Jul 202008

I recently got an email from a commenter on the blog, claiming that I was deleting his posts that had links to other sources of aircraft info in them. This caught me by surprise as I’ve done nothing of the kind. However, I decided to look into it. Finally figured out the issue: this is a “WordPress” blog, using the WordPress software, including WordPress plugions such as “Askimet.”  What Askimet does is look at each incoming comment and determine whether of not it’s spam. If it determines it’s *not* spam, the message is either:

A) Sent to moderation, for me to look at and decide for myself whether or not it’s spam


B) Sent straight on to the blog, if I have previously approved comments from that sender

But if it does determine that the message is spam, it sends it to a separate folder for 15 days. Since I was getting bombarded with spam comments (most of which were pure gibberish, I’m not even sure what the point of ’em is), I fired up Askimet, and thought no more of it. After the complaint, I hunted down the 15-day spam folder and found that, indeed, there were a few non-spam comments in there. A common link seemed to be comments that had links to outside resources in them; Askimet just seems to automatically assume that these comments are spam, and shunted them to the round file.

So if you’ve posted a comment and you don’t see it… it’s possible that Askimet thought it was spam, and I didn’t even see it. If you have an issue with this… send me an email pointing it out, I’ll take a look.

One thing that won’t endear you to me: stamping your feet, claiming that I’m treating you poorly and that you’ll post here no more. Guess what: I won’t care too much.  Something that far too few people do these days is think before they act; too few put reason and rationality ahead of feelings. Thus we get Obama as a credible Presidential candidate.

 Posted by at 7:31 pm

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