Feb 162010

Another successful test of an anti-missile laser system:

Researchers demonstrate mosquito laser in action (w/ Video)

In the latest version, the mosquito laser is assembled from commonly availably technology. In fact, Myhrvold and his team found all the components on Ebay, which included parts from printers and projectors, and the zoom lenses from digital cameras. He estimates that the new version could cost as little as $50 to manufacture, depending on volume.

During his demonstration, Myhrvold released hundreds of mosquitoes into a glass tank. A laser tracked their movements and shot them down one by one, leaving their carcasses on the bottom of the tank. Myhrvold said that the lasers could shoot between 50 and 100 mosquitoes per second.

Besides being fast, the laser is accurate, too; it can distinguish butterflies from mosquitoes, and can also tell the difference between male and female mosquitoes. Only female mosquitoes, whose wings beat at lower frequencies, bite humans.

“You could kill billions of mosquitoes a night and you could do so without harming butterflies,” Myhrvold said.

 Be sure to watch the Youtube video at the link. Very high-speed footage of mosquitoes curlign up and dying in flight, with their wings turning into poofs of smoke.

But there was one thing I’ve gotta question:

The device originated from a challenge by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeking a way to reduce the one million deaths caused each year from malaria.

Hey, I’ve got an idea: DDT.

Where’s my money?

 Posted by at 11:14 pm

  3 Responses to “ZZZZAAAAPPPPP part 2”

  1. I like the part about the night-flying butterflies.
    An obvious question is what if the mosquito happens to be on someone when the laser shoots at it, or the mosquito is halfway between the laser and someone’s eye.

  2. There’s something creepy about the worry about butterflies. Something that sounds like 11-year-old girls and their collection of unicorns.

    Anything that kills mosquitoes is Good.

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