Feb 142010


See HERE for last years uplifting Valentines moment.

 Posted by at 10:52 am

  6 Responses to “Mandatory Valentine’s Day Message”

  1. Sometimes, I think this kind of thing demonstrates unequivocably a profound and basic lack of understanding of men on the part of women. On the other hand, men have not gone out of their way to understand the motivations of women.
    I once wrote an essay about this. Sometimes I inflict it on such as Craigslist; men approve, and women send hate mail. To get hate mail is to tell me I’ve hit a sensitive point.

  2. I used Calvin & Hobbes to help me rear my two children. Now that they are adults, and I’m divorced, I find xkcd.com to be a good guide for adult relationships:


  3. *LOVE* xkcd. I’ve long thought that this was the most romanticalest thing I’ve ever seen:

  4. Of course, “Overcompensating” is pretty good for V-Day, in it’s own way…

  5. Xkcd 162 is one of my favorites, too. I keep hoping I’ll find a woman who can understand it. Obviously, I’m not in the right place.

  6. Would it make me a grammar nazi were I to comment that in the second panel, the world should have been spelled with two “r”s?

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