Feb 112010


Winter blast hits Dulles Airport

The first of two winter blasts on Feb. 6 collapsed the roofs of three hangars next to Dulles Jet Center at Dulles International Airport. Jets inside appeared to be in rotation for liftoff after the building collapsed on their tails.



 Posted by at 11:26 pm

  10 Responses to “Global Warming collapses some hangars”

  1. That top photo looks expensive in the repair department, doesn’t it?
    And of course they are having to truck in snow for the Winter Olympics…

  2. Oopsie!! Guess they should have built to a higher standard than OSHA wants, and they should have got their stupid, lazy a$$es up there and cleared the roofs. Morons.

  3. I agree,it does look expensive.Sure hope Dulles has good insurance.

  4. It used to be “incliment weather collapses hangers”, now it’s “global warming collapses hangars”

  5. I find the photo painful. Those poor aircraft.

    Well Chris, it used to be “white christmas”, today it’s “global warming makes stronger snowfall”.

  6. > expensive in the repair department,

    Quite possibly “cheap in the spare parts department.” You squash the tail end of an airplane, I’m not sure it’s wise to try to fly it again. Just part it out.

    It could, of course, be worse…

  7. Say what you want about Russian Space efforts (and the Energia/Buran program in particular), but no vehicle that cruised through the silence of space should meet such a dastardly fate…

  8. How to keep an engineer and half a dozen A&Ps busy for six months…


  9. That Buran picture made me want to cry. It’s like going to Egypt and seeing 4000 year old sculptures out in the open, exposed to the weather like they’re lawn flamingos.

  10. HMMMMMM…gives me an idea. Bet you could triple the hanger occupancy rate by winching down the tails after spotting the birds.

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