Feb 112010

A DAD who cut a thug’s ear off with a Samurai sword has been cleared by a jury

Builder David Fullard, 46, leapt into action as the brute and a pal forced their way into his home and threatened to rape his girlfriend and kill his sons.

He grabbed the antique sword and sliced off the left lug of the yob – named Michael SEVERS.

Prosecutors said Mr Fullard went too far for self-defence and charged him with unlawful wounding. He faced up to EIGHT YEARS in jail.

A jury took less than 50 minutes to acquit him at Hull Crown Court.

Now, to fire the prosecutors for dereliction of duty, and put them on trial for corruption and crimes against humanity.

Someone breaks into your home and threatens your family, if getting their ears lopped off is all that happens to ’em, they should consider themselves fortunate. If they threaten to rape your girl, I as a jurist would have a hard time convicting you of anything, no matter how medieval you got on their asses. “They were going to hurt my girl” should be a universally recognized legal defence along the lines of “They needed killin’,” but more abruptly “case-closed-worthy.”

Sadly, the stoy isn’t entirely full of win. There’s this:

Yesterday the two jobless thugs got six-month suspended sentences and 100 hours of community service after admitting affray.



 Posted by at 1:04 pm

  3 Responses to “There’s hope for Britain yet”

  1. Suspended sentences? I’m sure there are bridges from which those animals can be suspended.

  2. As long as Traitor’s Gate stands, I’ll hold out a little hope that someone in the country knows how to use it.


  3. I wonder if the thugs are “Asians”.

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