Feb 072010

Iran Successfully Tests 1st Radar-Evading Aircraft

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran has successfully tested the research model of its first home-made radar-evading aircraft named ‘Sofreh Mahi'(flatfish), a senior Iranian army commander announced on Sunday

“The research model of this plane which staged a successful flight passed all radar-evading tests that we desired,” Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army Air Force General Aziz Nasirzadeh told FNA.

The General said that the flatfish-inspired shape of the aircraft as well as the materials used in its structure have provided the aircraft with the radar-evading capability.

Couldn’t find any pics.

 Posted by at 8:02 pm

  17 Responses to “Iran claims stealthy aircraft”

  1. I assume it evaded the radar by never taking off. Clever.

  2. A re-reading of the article suggests to me that their prototypes are RC models. Whatever works is good!

  3. According to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper website, the name translates as “Swordfish”, not “Flatfish”.

  4. according to original FARS news, it’s 1/7 scale model of future strike UAV
    “aircraft named ‘Sofreh Mahi’ (flatfish=Manta Ray)” because “flatfish-inspired shape”

    oh, gosh, they also “Start Mass Production of Advanced Unmanned Bombers”
    and “Unveil First Home-Made Light Plane”

    and surely they still “Confident about S-300 Delivery to Iran”
    because “Moscow’s international creditability would be harmed otherwise”

  5. Somewhere sumdood from the NRO is talking to Col. Sumotherdood from the USAF about which buildings are supporting this whole effort, and which windows get JDAMs if it ever needs to go away.

    One aircraft, colour me unimpressed.


  6. Very easy to evade radar with an imaginary airplane.

    Jim? Those JDAMs need to be sent into the windows of Assembly of Experts, Guardian Council and the Expediency Discernment Council next time they are all in session. THAT will fix the world’s problem, and allow the people of Persia to have a real government. Especially when they decide it was the Hand Of God that did it.

  7. Hand of God? Hand of Satan more like. They always think stuff like that is the fault of the Great and Little Satans, even when it’s not. No way in heck we’d ever convince them otherwise.

    What I’m curious about is, if we attacked the regime in any way, which way the people currently protesting it would jump. Just because they hate their government now doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t shrug and say, “Enemy of my enemy” if we decided to intervene.

  8. Where’s the “Rods-From-The-Gods” when you need a good deniable “meteor” strike?

    Brianna: From the past I’d lay money on sudden “solidarity” if a foreign power (not only the US but just about anyone…) gets tough with the current regime. Like-em-or-not Iran has more of a sense of nation-hood than any other nation over there.


  9. There’s you’re new ISS mission “Rods from the Dogs, Satanic Imperialist Dogs!!!”

  10. that “faez” is just a cricket..they probably bought a kit on the open market LOL definitely NOT amphibious!


    the rest of the drones they show look like firebee knockoffs..china has been building those for years.

  11. Brianne, we don’t convince them. We don’t deny it. What happens is a wave of mullahs throughout the world call it the Hand of God, punishing the false mullahs who have subverted the Word Of Allah for evil. You got to use the tools available, the primary one being the Qur’an, which lays the penalty of death on any who use the Word Of Allah to commit crimes against the innocent. And yes, children and women, no matter their religion, ARE innocent according to the Qur’an. All humans are commanded by God to kill terrorists. That is the tack we should have taken 50 years ago when the modern jihad started.

    We should be dragging mullahs out of mosques and beheading them IN THE NAME OF GOD/ALLAH/YAWEH for their crimes against all people. We have completely screwed the dog in this, and we appear unable to figure it out.

  12. And yes. I am, in fact, calling for a Holy War. Muslims and Jews and Christians and Hindus and Animists etc etc against the false mullahs who are driving terrorism. They are quite vocal and easy to find. And every time their anti-human sh*t pours forth from their mouths we have to drag them into the street and behead them. That is the law they invoke, that is the law that must be used to wipe them from the face of the Earth.

    Pretending that real humans can just talk to them, or put them in jail for a little while and all will be well is INSANE.

  13. Oh, and Allen nails it. Looks like some crap from WalMart.

  14. In 1993, Defense Electronics magazine pointed out that terrorism might be a valid target for ICBMs. With a CEP pf two meters (apparently available at the time from SLBMs at the time), terrorist camps could be destroyed with chemical explosives. I was unable to see any negative aspects to the idea.

  15. > I was unable to see any negative aspects to the idea.

    *I* can. Boris Yeltsin damn near launched a nuclear retaliatory strike against NATO because a Norwegian sounding rocket went off course. An Ohio-class boomer lets loose a Trident out in the middle of the ocean, heading Odin knows where, Russia and China and who knows who else is going to go ape. If the target is in Afghanistan or Pakistan… who is the missle going to pass over? Russia? China? India? Iran? Each of these countries can probably detect it.

  16. 2H9 – I like your idea of economy of force, no sense in going to a lot of effort and getting a bunch of innocent people hurt in the process now that much more selective tools are available.

    Scott – You could tell the other nuclear powers “Expect a launch from somewhere near here, going here,” but what is the chance they’d believe it?

    Don’t get me wrong, a tungsten body shaped and weighted to mimic and RV would make one hell of a hole if it came in from orbit, but it just looks too wrong on a lot of very well-watched displays.


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