Feb 072010

From ABC News:

Two burqa-wearing robbers have held up a French post office using a handgun concealed beneath an Islamic-style full veil, court officials said.

What’s surprising is that it took so long for this to happen. Let’s face it… in Western societies, the burka is the perfect disguise for all manner of nefarious activities. How else can someone, man or woman, openly move about in society while *completely* disguised, and be able to feign insult when asked to unveil? In contrast, if someone is wandering around dressed in full Darth Vader regalia, that someone could easily be stopped on the street.

I’m left to wonder if some sort of Westernized burka might become popular with both men and women in surveillance societies like Britain. If burkas are allowed for one group… why not all? Hell, there’s already been a “Hello Kitty” burka…

How would Britains millions of CCD cameras handle this sort of crowd:

Or indeed even this:

Full-up burka regalia covers head to toe, blocks even a good look at the eyes, and includes gloves. Apart from a few details such as the wearers height and to a degree weight/build, the disguise is pretty much complete, with the age, race and even sex of the wearer completely hidden. And with all the loose flowy cloth, there is all kinds of room to conceal weapons. Criminals these days would be kinda stupid to not consider the burka.

 Posted by at 11:00 am

  6 Responses to “Burqa-clad robbers hold up post office”

  1. Something tells me this isn’t the last we’re going to see of this, not by a long shot.


  2. > this isn’t the last we’re going to see of this

    Not if criminals have any brains whatsoever. It’s an additional crime pretty much everywhere to rob a jont while wearing a mask or some such… but unlike ski masks and the like, burkas are supposed to be Perfectly Normal At All Times Of The Year. So like at the beginning of “Dark Knight” when the Joker’s schoolbus slipped in among a bunch of other school buses, wise criminals will slip in and out of groups of burka-clad women. And if the cops try to unveil the women to find the criminals, expect the city to go up in flames. Which, of course, leaves open the possibility for futher larceny in the resultant chaos.

    If this doesn’t happen in Real Life, it’d make an entertaining movie.

  3. Hopefully this will help France’s case for a ban of the full burka. I’m not normally for screwing with someone’s religious beliefs, but Europe has to do something before it goes under entirely, and it’s not as though the full burka is actually required by Islam, anyway. As for any Moslems who want to argue… when women are allowed to walk unveiled in the streets of Riyadh, I’ll consider letting women walk around with full burkas in the West.

  4. Having flipped back their viels before pulling a gun, these guys clearly weren’t using the burqa to hide their identities,.

    They’re just exceptionally modest crossdressers.

    The Burqa Boys

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