Jan 312010

Meet ‘Giant George’ the 7ft-long blue great dane who could be the world’s tallest dog

The gentle giant, who measures 7ft 3ins from nose to tail, could be a prime contender to take the title from the former record holder, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane who passed away from cancer last August.Now George’s owners, David and Christine Nasser, are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he has achieved the lofty heights.

‘He’s 42.625 inches at the shoulder,’ said David. ‘He’s very very unique.’

Yeah, yeah, that’s cool and all, but this will drain all remaining shreds of your faith in humanity.

 Posted by at 11:06 am

  One Response to “World’s largest dog”

  1. Dogs are why I prefer cats.

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