Jul 162008

Finally wrapped up the Space Park tonight. Numerous hours were spent in re-building a few things… one advantage that physical modeling has over virtual is that the part doesn’t suddenly start spitting error messages at you. Nevertheless, the problems were solved and the model completed. Shown here are the parts breakdown as well as the parts layout for stereolithography. Now to get quotes…

spaceparkparts2a.jpg spaceparkparts1a.jpg spaceparkpartssprue2aa.jpg  spaceparkpartssprue2ba.jpg

spaceparkpartssprue2ca.jpg   spaceparkpartssprue2da.jpg

Irritatingly, the blog software won’t make thumbnails of all of the images… too big, I guess. So click on the titles to see ’em.

 Posted by at 12:48 am

  2 Responses to “Wooo. Space Park modeling is done.”

  1. […] going to run it again. From what I can see, it’s certainly accurate to the CAD model (visible here), and quality looks pretty good… though the photo is blurry. I will report further when I get […]

  2. […] end of my part of the Space Park story. The actual 3-D printed parts were shipped to me, I cleaned ‘em up (the tech isn’t […]

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