Jun 122023

The story goes: an Amazon driver delivered a package. Nobody was home, but the automated doorbell made some sort of innocuous announcement. The driver, who was wearing headphones, misheard what the robot said, decided that the robot did a racism, reported that as such to Amazon… and then the homeowner had his Amazon account locked. This included “smart home” devices, locking out some of the functionality of his house.



This  story, if true, argues for several things:

1) Don’t have “smart” features that can be turned off by someone else on a whim

2) Perhaps companies should be prohibited from having this sort of authority

3) “Someone said something racist/sexist/offensive” should at the very least be accompanied by verifiable documentation of the incident before *anything* is done. False accusations should be met with punishments similar to but exceeding those that an accurate accusation would have resulted in.

 Posted by at 9:54 pm