Jan 242010



 FALLS CHURCH, VA – JANUARY 19: U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the ‘Race To The Top’ program at the Graham Road Elementary School January 19, 2010 in Falls Church, Virginia. The President is announcing his request for an additional $1.35 billion in 2011 for the program that was created as part of the economic stimulus bill signed into law last year. He is joined by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.



You know, you’d think that after this many “teleprompter jokes,” 0bama would take the damned hint and try to get rid of the things… especially when speaking to a bunch of children. Instead… there they are, big as life and twice as ridiculous. But why are they there? Is it dogged determination? Or is he truly dependant upon them to give even the simplest message?

Me, I’d be a stumble-mouthed fool if I tried to give a speech from memory before a large enough crowd. But then I’m not a politician. Politicians are *supposed* to be smooth, well-practiced at lying directly to our faces. But Obama, despite his campaign gloss, seems to be incompetant even at that. Perhaps 0bama, or at least his handlers, realize that it’s better to use the teleprompters and be thought a fool, than to not use them and remove all doubt.


 Posted by at 10:35 pm

  12 Responses to “You know who really appreciate teleprompters? 6th graders”

  1. BS can take you to the top, but it can’t keep you there. I suspect our Dear Leader is currently finding that out the hard way… assuming of course, that he is allowing himself to consider or doubt the rightness of his cause at all, which after watching a couple interviews of him, I seriously doubt (I’m having real trouble getting my message across to the people, that’s why they don’t like me right now, because they don’t understand it – that is unfortunately a completely serious paraphrase).

  2. I love teleprompter
    is priceless to watch how this things brake down
    while some one reads them becomes stuttering idiot

  3. Ronald Reagan used a teleprompter extensively, and the great white hope Sarah Palin uses one as well. But who gives a shit when the shoe is on the other foot, amirite?

  4. In response to your comment,one of my first former
    employers used to say the same thing”It’s better to be
    silent and be thought as jerk than to speak and remove all

  5. One thing this teaches 6th graders is that even the ultimate BMOC needs to have direction in what he says. That may suggest to some of the kids that they really need to look good and have good managers, rather than being good and doing it themselves. That does fit quite well into what I hear from teachers these days.

  6. “That may suggest to some of the kids that they really need to look good and have good managers, rather than being good and doing it themselves. That does fit quite well into what I hear from teachers these days.”

    > Too true, alas 🙁

  7. >Ronald Reagan used a teleprompter extensively

    Yeah, but he was a drooling decrepit senile moron, amirite?

  8. >Ronald Reagan used a teleprompter extensively

    Cyprose, he was thouroughly castigated for it in the press. The shoe is on the same foot, its just a different press.

  9. Reagan was always one to embrace new technologies so of course he used a teleprompter, as almost every politician does. This allows them to not have to memorize long speeches or bring along cue cards, when one is the leader of the free world one has a lot to think about and memorization of a speech given once is really low priority. However, requiring a teleprompter at every speaking engagement just shows that the person speaking cannot think on their own. I went to many a reagan speech as a kid where he did not have a teleprompter, usually these were simpler speaches given to kids or small groups. Reagan really only used teleprompters as an aide to help him remember, he was rather old, and only for major speaking engagements. Obama uses them everywhere he goes, he is far too relient on them and his speach writers, he cannot think and speak on the fly in a public situtation. Just look at the debates, has there ever before been debates where the questions asked of the candidates were given to them beforehand? Look at anytime he is asked to answer a question on the spot and he sticks his foot in his mouth. This joker is worse then the last couple of presidents and will likely go down in history as being a worse president then even Ford and Carter.

  10. > This joker is worse then the last couple of presidents and will likely go down in history as being a worse president then even Ford and Carter.

    Awww… wnhy the hate for Ford? Keep in mind, he was the one President who didn’t actually seek out the office, but actually had it thrust upon him by circumstances. The only thing he did that I’ve ever seen people really get pissed about was pardoning Nixon, but that was arguably a good idea. The mid 1970’s well and truly sucked… oil in short supply, the economy in collapse, Vietnam just over and lost, Disco. Everything about that time made for an America about to simply collapse. Having the XPresident put on trial might have added enough stress to push things over the edge.

  11. “Saturday Night Fever”….yea,man…ha-ha

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