Apr 132023

Conservative activist launches ‘Ultra Right’ beer as rival to Bud Light after Dylan Mulvaney controversy

I’m amused by this, but also very, very dubious of long-term success. I don’t know from developing a beer brand from scratch, but I suspect it’s not something you can slap together at a moments notice. I suspect developing a *good* beer is a process that takes a lot of time, trouble, money and expertise… not to mention infrastructure.

I get the idea of developing a “non-woke” counter to large corporations that hate you. But I’ve also seen a lot of “right wing/Christian” movies. Or to be more accurate, I’ve seen a few minutes of a number of these entertainment products… and those few minutes were generally painful. When your *primary* goal is Messaging rather than Good Product, you tend to end up with crap. Hollywood is coasting on decades of building up the infrastructure and talent for Good Product; the Message came to dominate after the process for good entertainment-making was already in place. A “right wing beer” sounds like the sort of thing that will be released long before it’s actually a *good* beer, will disappoint the intended fanbase, and fade into oblivion, leaving the supposed market to be dominated by the corporations that were meant to be challenged in the first place.

 Posted by at 8:32 pm