Apr 032023

It’s not confirmed, but it’s possible that AOC, the Dumbest Person In Congress, had a burner account on Twitter that she used to “anonymously” tell the truth about her actual feelings… hatred, death threats, standard Antifa-level rhetoric. “Zaza Demon” blocked some people (which, if this was AOC, is I believe illegal), and then deleted the entire account when found out.

So, the possibilities:

1) This was AOC.

2) This was a delusional leftist who thought he/she was AOC

3) This was a false flag operation by an anti-AOC agent.

Until there is definitive proof, an honest person can’t say for certain. but an honest person can certainly look at the totality of her hate-filled political career and conclude that option #1 makes a *lot* of sense.

Did AOC’s burner Twitter get BUSTED? Could be! And HOOO BOY does it have an archive!


 Posted by at 3:17 pm