Jan 222010


Just a month after world leaders fashioned a tentative and nonbinding agreement at the climate change summit meeting in Copenhagen, the deal already appears at risk of coming undone, the top United Nations climate official warned on Wednesday.


 Posted by at 12:46 am

  3 Responses to “Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Going “Kersplat””

  1. “Just a month after world leaders fashioned a tentative and nonbinding agreement at the climate change summit meeting in Copenhagen, the deal already appears at risk of coming undone”

    A tentative and nonbinding agreement is about to fall apart? Oh no!

  2. Who wants to take bets that the hard Left will simply take this as another sign that the people are stupid morons who need to be guided by their benevolent wisdom into the proper path… or failing that, shoved.

  3. The infighting over who’s going to control the Fund is one of the bigger hold ups, old established bureaucracies or new idealist bureaucracies? Old or new corruption? Bankers who know what the hell they’re doing or bankers that have never played on a field this big and don’t understand the shift in the rules. It’s at least a Six Way Fight to start with. No one’s really willing to cough up the money till they know it’s going to be handled too their idea of “correctly”.

    Still, the retoric is fun to watch sometimes. 😉

    Oh, and now that “issues” in “some” of the GW/GCC numbers and science are coming out, even in left leaning media, it’s going to get REALLY interesting.

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