Feb 262023

A couple pit bulls got out of their yard in San Antonia and attacked people, killing an old man. Unlike a lot of dog attacks, this one was caught on video as a woman drove by. The attack is… something. It’s not safe for work. If you watch it, even though parts of it are blurred, you’ll need some mind bleach; these dogs tear the man apart. I think you can see when they rip his face off. So… maybe ya wanna watch it, maybe ya don’t. The Link HERE includes the attack video as well as a later video as three firefighters – presumably the first responders – try to deal with one of the pit bulls with *axes.* Three grown men wielding fire axes can’t deal with the damn thing.


Extra yeesh: last week I took my garbage can out to the curb late at night. While out there I heard yelling down the block. Like a friggen’ moron I stood there in my front yard trying to see what was going on; sounded like a bunch of kids chasing someone or something. Turns out they had lost control of a dog, now running loose. Like a FRIGGEN’ MORON I continued to stand there as the dog came out of the darkness and ran up to me. A pit bull dragging a leash. We stood abut 8 feet apart just staring at each other, me suddenly feeling like a FRIGGEN’ MORON for not packing heat. Fortunately the kids came running up a few seconds later and got hold of the leash and hauled the dog away. I don’t know what would have happened had things gone on a few seconds more, but it’s possible that that might have been the end of this spectacular blog.

I’ve seen a lot of people wanting to ban the pit bull breed. And then I see a lot of brainlets try to link banning a dangerous breed of dog to “See? You should also want to ban assault weapons, hurr durr!” It’s a bad analogy. The AR-15 is just a tool… as are the pit bulls teeth. Nobody suggests banning dog teeth, but banning the dangerous *entity* wielding those dangerous weapons. So if you want to link pit bulls, AR-15’s and bans… ban the crazy dangerous *people* who would behave like pit bulls.

 Posted by at 8:39 pm