Feb 112023

One might think that “entertainment industry weirdo performs satanic dance number, sponsored by Pfizer” would be the sort of thing I’d yammer on about. But… this schtick is old. What, am I supposed to act surprised that a weirdo is a weirdo?



I’m of two minds about people who mess about with Satanic imagery. On the one hand, since I don’t believe in Satan… meh. You just look like a goober. On the other hand, some of these people *do* believe in Satan. And if *you* believe in Satan and you’re playing at Satanic stuff… it makes me wonder about your sanity, in the same way I’d look askance at a Cthulhu cultist. But in this case, I suspect that the Freedom Toons people are correct: it’s a desperate bid for attention, an attempt to fill an inner emptiness that will never, can never, be filled with cheap and hollow pursuits.


And I suspect the Pfizer people didn’t see this coming. Like they didn’t see Project Veritas coming.

 Posted by at 7:25 am