Jan 222023

Every time one of these narcissistic videos comes out from someone “working” at a tech company, there is *vastly* more time spent yapping on about the food they seem to be constantly consuming than the work they seem to take no interest in. Note that even in the second video, the “oops, I’ve been laid off and entered the world of unemployment,” she shows herself consuming, yammers on about consuming, spends Odin knows how much money (that she isn’t making anymore) on empty calories as a way to feel better.


Another of these vapid “day in the life of an adult daycare consumer” videos:

And another:


And another:

And yet another:

And oh my god another:


I guess I get why they don’t discuss their work. Several explanations come to mind, actually:

1) They assume nobody is interested in it

2) *They* are not interested in it

3) They realize, consciously or not, that if they showed people what they do they’d get laughed at because people would realize their jobs are worthless

4) They’d get laughed at because people would see they’re *bad* at their jobs


Fine, great. But still… their days are now described as “I ate something that someone else made, then I ate something else, then I ate another thing I couldn’t hope to explain how or where it came from, then I ate some more.”


I fully expect that if I ever got it in my head to do a video about *my* work day, it would be crashingly dull. It’s dull now that I work from home, doing CAD and writing and blueprinting; it woulda been dull when I worked in aerospace and honestly couldn’t actually talk about much of it without getting security in a snit. But it never would have occurred to me to spend a large fraction talking about the PB&J sammich I had, or the can of Great Value chicken noodle soup, or the can of pop from the vending machine, or the handfuls of dry cereal or the Gubmint Cheez.


 Posted by at 10:30 pm