Nov 212022

The policies that the British government have enacted over recent years of allowing the mass invasion of Britain are, it seems, finally getting the British citizens mad enough to, maybe, do something about it. Britain seems to have a number of problems, including but not limited to:

1) Their National Health Service provide free health care to everyone… including the “migrants.” But the “migrants” aren’t funding new hospitals or more doctors; they’re just consuming the available resources.

2) The “migrants” aren’t building new housing; they’re simply being *given* housing. Houses, apartments, hotel rooms are disappearing from the market and being filled with, mostly, military age males from antagonistic nations.

3) The utilities, from electricity to natural gas to the water and sewers were built assuming the British population… not the British population PLUS an occupying foreign force.


The answer is obvious: first, prevent new “migrants” from landing; second, mass deportations. None of this is likely to occur. Why is the British government doing this to the British people? Fark if I know. The only explanations that seem to make any sort of sense sound a whole lot like conspiracy theories. But reality is what it is.



Asylum seekers to be sent to rural areas for fairer distribution of migrants



Here’s a thought… take a few hundred thousand of the military age migrant, give each of them an AK-47 and two magazines, and drop them off in Luhansk. Wacky hijinks ensue.


 Posted by at 10:05 am