Jan 132010

Space Drawing Set 21 contains a large format (13378X5402 pixels) full-color scan of a cyanotype blueprint of the Minuteman 1 ICBM. The diagram is for a display model, but presents full-scale dimensions as well as considerable external detail … thus perfect for modelmakers. Boeing drawing 25-27135, dated May, 1961. Good, clear diagrams of the Minuteman are hard to find… this is by far the best I’ve ever seen in the unclassified world.

The ZIPped file contains the large format color scan, a grayscale version at that size, and half-sized versions for easier viewing and printing. NOTE: the filenames are actually “Halfsize” and “Quartersize,” becuase the true original full-rez scan is a prohibitively large file (over 140 meg). If this smaller set sells, the fullsize version might be made available as a CD-only item.

Space Drawing Set 21 can be purchased for download for $5.50.



 Posted by at 10:23 am

  One Response to “Space Drawing set 21: Minuteman 1 ICBM diagrams”

  1. they say this is an unwanted blog. I say piss off and bug the flippin MUSLIMS! USA all the way. Let freedom ring even if its in your ears.

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