Oct 152022

From the BBC:

Overcrowding: School doesn’t understand why I fall asleep in class

The argument is made that a 16-year-old falls asleep in class because his house is too small and is over-crowded, and that his family has been unable to find a bigger one. But… nowhere in the story does it say that the family is trying to *buy* a bigger house. All references are to trading houses, or asking to be *given* a house. A point is made that new houses are constantly being built, but the question is raised as to who is getting them. The question goes unanswered. Further, the family doesn’t immediately seem to actually be British, though the children were born there… born into a family that is in a small house with no apparent means of buying a larger one.

Left unsaid and unanswered: Britain is being flooded with foreign immigrants who seem to *immediately* get free houses, but who don’t actually seem to contribute to the economy, certainly not to the level of being able to afford said house. So Britain has a housing crisis… not just a lack of houses, but people seem to think they are *owed* a house, and one to their liking, simply because they showed up. These people then go on to create yet more kids who are effectively supported not by the family but by the tax payers.

I’m sure this seems like a good idea to *somebody.*

 Posted by at 7:42 am