Jan 102010

Businessman is arrested in front of wife and son… for ‘anti-gipsy’ email that he didn’t even write

A wealthy businessman was arrested at home in front of his wife and young son over an email which council officials deemed ‘offensive’ to gipsies – but which he had not even written.

The email, concerning a planning appeal by a gipsy, included the phrase: ‘It’s the ‘do as you likey’ attitude that I am against.’

Council staff believed the email was offensive because ‘likey’ rhymes with the derogatory term ‘pikey’.

“Pikey?” Never heard of it.

I’ve never heard of anybody being arrested for writing an email that contains a word that rhymes with another, politically incorrect, word, either. But then, I guess I’m not that broad-minded and progressive.

 Posted by at 8:51 pm

  13 Responses to “Even for Britain, this is goofy”

  1. Perhaps I could find a good book on the American Revolution, replace America with England, and mail it over.


  2. Google has a definition of it. but why would anybody in their
    right mind make a big deal out of a simple slang term like
    this…It’s not as if it were racial of any sort.

  3. The movie “Snatch” deals w/ pikeys to greater and lesser degrees, and my understanding of the whole deal concerning Pikeys, Irish Travellers, and Gypsies is that the former two terms are not necessarliy synonymous w/ the latter………….but I’m probably not progressive and broad-minded enough either.

  4. From what I gathered from my travels a Pikey is a catch-all term for anyone of a low social class. It is applied to travellers, gypsies, or people who just tend to be seen as fighting and stealing which is, I guess, where the “racial injustice” is to be found. Of course, no one ever really seemed to take offense when it came into conversation; calling someone a pikey doesn’t get a barstool swung at your head like other, more racially charged words may.

    At any rate, you’ve got to love big brother for showing those of us across the pond what thick headed liberalism can wrought.

  5. Heh. Someone once accused me of using “racial slurs” when I used the word “gypped”. I read over my post 3 times, then finally said, “I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about, you’ll have to tell me what you mean.” She then informed me that gypped was racially offensive, which was news to me. I pointed out that although its origin was potentially racially offensive, the current meaning no longer was and I had not used the word in a racial context. She then replied with, “Oh yeah? Then why did you put the word in quote marks?” Apparently the idea that I might have been being sarcastic when I used the word never entered her head, despite the fact that it is the main traditional reason for putting a single word in quotes.

  6. His DNA and fingerprints are now filed away by the police and he hasn’t even done anything!
    Pikey? Never heard of the word before and I come from England.
    I emigrated nearly forty years ago and I can only say that I have no regrets.


  7. Gypped! Pikey! Oooh lwow. Looks like I’m in big trouble now. Frakkin English liberals.

  8. “It’s the ‘do as you likey’ attitude that I am against.”

    I thought that was the attitude of the British government, opposing independent thinkers.

  9. “do as you likey”? Like here in America? Bet he has lots to say about us, and we would do no more than laugh at his fascist a$$, except for those of us who would laugh uproariously at him and then give him a brown swirly and pitch his arse into the street. Thats how we likey to roll!

  10. By ‘do as you likey’, he means

    ‘flout the law and be allowed to get away with it, which the rest of us cannot do, though we are the ones paying the taxes’

    rather than

    ‘Having the freedom to choose my own lifestyle and live it’.

  11. If they are criminals the police should handle it. That is what police are supposed to do, arrest REAL criminals, not run around acting like secret police for some municipal council with a socialist agenda and a stickup their a$$es.

    That is not what this sounds like, sounds like a bunch of tiny minded fascists forcing people to behave in a manner people have no desire to follow. Formula for a revolution.

  12. > Google has a definition of it. but why would anybody in their
    right mind make a big deal out of a simple slang term like

    Keep in mind he didn’t actually use the word “pikey,” but rather another word that simply *rhymed* with pikey.

    Good thing he didn’t accuse someone of being niggardly…

  13. In Olde England that one would not have become a flap!

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