Sep 302022

Sometimes you see things that cannot be unseen. So, rather than just go “bleah” and try to find some sort of mind bleach to wipe out an image you weren’t looking for but stumbled across anyway, try to come up with an alternate explanation for what you saw. In this case “polycystic kidney.” Don’t do a Google Image search for “polycystic kidney.” Seriously, don’t. It won’t improve your day. However, if you *do* do such a search, you will likely be met with a wide array of post-surgical photos of kidneys that have been removed. If you think about these things as currently residing within you, right now, at this very moment… you will not be happy. They will give you an uncomfortableness. However… an alternate approach is to think of them not as human organs that have gone very, very wrong, but as baby shoggoths straight out of Lovecraftian horror. It won’t make you any more comfortable, but at least … well, I dunno. There’s no real upside, I suppose, unless you are a movie or game designer tasked with creating a shoggoth. Cuz this will do.

You’re welcome.

 Posted by at 11:14 am