Sep 272022

“IF” being the operative word. Assume this is as accurate as a random anonymous comment usually is.

…or Maybe the Trans Shop Teacher Is the Hero We Need Right Now

This dude is gaming the system. An anon here yesterday was in this dude’s class. This teacher was almost fired for ‘toxic masculinity’ last year, as well as not embracing woke culture. He’d drop redpills to his class, such as how silly gender neutral bathrooms are. The school board hates him.

He’s now upping the ante to exploit the very clown world the school and society itself created. His long game is most likely to get fired, and then sue for discrimination. There is no other explanation.. No better way to troll clown world than to become an over-the-top caricature of a woman.

Don’t trust this to be true. But if it is… suddenly this ridiculous story is elevated to hilarious troll. On the one hand, this is a long way to go to make a point. on the other hand, it’s a longer way to actually *be.*

 Posted by at 1:46 am