Sep 262022


I’ve seen some argue that the guy should not have filmed this, as that only made the incident worse. Sorry, nope, uh-uh. A woman accuses a man of assaulting her… he’d damned well better start racking up the video evidence (and, let’s be honest, if it’s a white woman accusing a black man, he’d *really* better start covering all his bases ASAP). This being a Walmart checkout line, it’s a safe bet that there are multiple security cameras covering the area… but more evidence is better than less. From all appearances, he just wanted to buy some Halloween bats and ended up in a boss battle with the Karenest of Karens.

And in other There Are Crazy People Out There News, watch a group of degenerates attack an old man on the subway in Chicago and beat him about the head with a wine bottle because… reasons?



 Posted by at 10:11 am