Sep 132022

“IF” being the operative word.

Let’s say that the war somehow comes to a non-apocalyptic end, with Russia driven from Ukraine and tens of thousands of POWs left behind in Ukrainian custody. Ukraine needs a *lot* of work to rebuild; presumably those POWs would come in handy for that. I wonder about the legality of using them effectively as slave labor in construction camps. Or about “ransoming” them… put them to work, catalog and document who they  are, and send bills to not just the Russian government but the *families* of the POWs. “You can have Ivan back for ten million American dollars. He gets to turn big rocks into little ones, until either his ransom is paid or the rebuilding of Ukraine is complete, whichever comes first.” With higher dollar amounts based on, say, rank. I wonder if GoFundMe would work with that…

 Posted by at 12:14 pm