Sep 062022

If this is true, it speaks volumes about the Russian military:

Russia buys North Korean weapons, says US intelligence

“IF” being an important word there. This could be true; it could be false. If it’s false, it could be:

1) Western intelligence disinformation (not clear what the point of that would be)

2)  Western intelligence misunderstanding/mistake (believable if it’s the same nitwits who plunged the world into the Biden Recession thanks to RussiaGate)

3) It’s actually Chinese weaponry, but filtered through North Korea because… reasons.

Buying North Korean weapons is a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions on North Korea. I suspect Putin doesn’t care. I guess I’d more or less trust Nork artillery shells to generally work, but I’d be leery of any missiles. Of coourse, it would be the height of jocular hijinks to sneak into the Nork shipments and tinker with the artillery shells so that every now and then they detonate immediately. A reasonable chuckle will be had by all!

 Posted by at 1:53 pm