Sep 032022

Womp womp….

An AI-Generated Artwork Won First Place at a State Fair Fine Arts Competition, and Artists Are Pissed

The “artist” used a piece of software called “Midjourney” that used his text prompts to produce the image, which he upscaled and printed off. And then he won, and artists are cheesed off because, like the factory workers before them, they are finding that automation can do a better job than they can.


It’s definitely an interesting piece of art, and the controversy is likely to make it popular enough to make a few bucks off of.


We are rapidly approaching the day when AI *and* robotics can do anything humans can do, and do it better. This is a subject science fiction has covered over the years, and it’s something that society had damned well better figure out how to deal with before it comes along and drives *everybody* out of a job.

But for now…. *snerk.*

 Posted by at 11:55 pm