Jan 072010

If you’re like me (and if you are, you have my condolensces and my scorn), you believe that:

1) The Japanese whaling  industry should be stopped

2) The lame-ass hippies of the “Sea Shepards” are a bunch of environazi ecoterrorists and also need to be stopped.

Well, the Japanese part of this equation finally pulled their thumbs out and did their part towards bringing #2 to fruition: the Sea Shepards got themselves a shiny new “stealth boat,” the “Ady Gil,” and promptly put it in the path of a Japanese whaling vessel which ran it over, chopping it in half. Last I read, the boat is probably going to sink.

Now, look, the Japanese are assholes. But the hippies put a damned speedboat in the path of a big-ass, full-up ship and somehow couldn’t avoid the collision? Sorry, no, wrong. If you play chicken with something bigger, slower and less maneuverable than you and you lose… tough fricken’ luck, Moonbeam.

Entertaining YouTube videos HERE (enjoy the witty play-by-play by the hippies filming the incident) and HERE . The second one was shot from the deck of the Japanese vessel. The annoying bleeping is the sound of the LRAD acoustic weapon used against Sea Shepard and other pirates on the high seas. Note that the Ady Gill is clearly under power and proceeding forward at the time of the collision. Any claim that the Gil was reversing in order to avoid contact appears to be rubbish. HERE is a video from just before the collision  showing the crw of the Ady Gil behaving like reckless morons.

 Posted by at 2:29 pm

  8 Responses to “Can’t they *both* lose?”

  1. If people want to continue whaling they should be required to do so in the traditional manner, crew of rowers and a harpooner in an open whaling boat.

    As for the Greenpeace idiots, and yes, they are Greenpeace hiding under a sockpuppet for legal reasons, when you put your stupid a$$ in front of a moving ship of a couple 100 tons you are going to get run over. Period.

  2. I reckon whaling is hunting writ large and the quota should be appropriate to maintain healthy whale populations. This likely entails a moratorium which doesn’t exist and should, for the sake of population numbers. I’m not against it absolutely, but it should be done responsibly.

    I also reckon the protesters got what was coming to they, for crashing their little composite boat into a steel-hulled whaler thinking it was going to accomplish something useful. If it is necessary to stop or slow commercial whaling to get the whale population (back) up to healthy numbers, then so be it, but their tactics are obviously ineffective.

    I don’t understand the practical economics, but if there is a reduction in supply of whale bits and bobs, wouldn’t the price thereof go up enough to sustain the whalers?


  3. In the words of Eric Cartman, “Sweeeet.”

  4. It’s come to this…the Japanese are out to sink the Batboat and drown The Dark Knight, just like in WWII! 😀

  5. Let Greenpeace sink. I remember in the early 70s they bought a small ship in Spain, filled the bow with concrete, and slipped out of the harbor to stalk a Basque whaler. The Greenpeace clowns had no one aboard who had any ocean experience. They found the Basque ship, rammed it, and had then had to be rescued by the Spanish Coast Guard and the French Navy. The Basques, totally confused, sustained no significant damage. I was in favor of letting the Greenpeace folk die quietly in the natural element of the sea, but 2000 years of civilization saved them. It’s nature’s way to kill off the weak and the stupid.

  6. The Greenpeace gafs deserved what they got. I’d like to see them try and do that stunt against a US Navy ship.

  7. I like the South Park episode that revealed why the Japanese kill dolphins and whales (the U.S. government told them that a dolphin and whale piloted the Enola Gay):

  8. I fully agree, Japanese should quit hunting whales.

    Ok we eat meal, pork, hamburgers and so on…but it’s different. This species are not menaced to disappear forever.

    But I’ve also agree that Greenpeace is a sort of ecoterrorists, starting by a noble idea they usually did a mess only to raise up media’s interest (and also raise up money as well). If you want to protect, really protect environment you sustain WWF not Greenpeace.

    It is a miracle that anyone has been hurt or worst only to demonstrate how “bad” are the Japanese.

    In Italy we had and we still have the same problem with green party, they pushed to stop using Nuclear Plants (I would remember that an Italian has realized the first nuclear plant ever).
    The result?
    We brought electricity by France that uses 57 nuclear plants all over the nation to produce their energy and sell surplus to others.
    In 2009 Berlusconi Government decided to resume Italian Nuclear Programme, ok better late than ever but we lose 20 years of good energy paying much and be more depending by oil plants.

    If it is not stupidity…..

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