Aug 282022

A clip from… something, a TV show or movie I suppose (UPDATE: it’s from the 2021 movie “Queenpins”). The question: is the guy right?

My own interpretation: you are under no obligation to do anything for anyone, up to and including raising a finger to save their life. That said, a refusal to raise a finger to save a life will be seen as (and probably is) a serious personality defect. But being inconvenienced in order to provide someone with unearned satisfaction or amusement? That’s not the same. And we *do* live in a culture where far too many people are far too entitled, believing themselves *owed* other peoples time, effort and resources. “You have something I want, gimme.” “Boo hoo, I made whoppingly ridiculous financial decisions that predictably bit me in the ass, I want you to bail me out.” Perhaps kids finding out – and then learning to accept – that they can’t always get what they want simply because they want it – is a truly valuable lesson that should be taught and learned more often.

Or maybe the guy’s just a jerk.

But if I’m comfortably seated in a seat I specifically chose – perhaps having paid extra to select that seat – then perhaps I *really* don’t want to get up and move elsewhere. How are you going to compensate me for my cost and bother?

 Posted by at 12:09 pm