Aug 072022

Ebay has recently suggested to me a few Apollo era knickknacks it thinks I need… chunks of Apollo capsule heat shield cast in Lucite. I guess they’re cool and all, and of historical interest, but somewhat outside of my wheelhouse (and finances). Still, looking at them got me thinking.

The Lucite seems to have yellowed with age. Some of this might be cigarette smoke, thus able to be cleaned off. Some might be UV damage to the outer surface, possibly fixable via “retro-bright” process or some similar. But it kinda looks like the Lucite has yellowed or darkened all the way through. If so, if there any possible way to clear that up? Blast it with UV? Gamma rays? Lasers? Boil it? Some sort of solvent to melt the Lucite away, then cast it again in a more modern transparent material that will hold up to time better? Given the prices being asked for these things, the correct answer is doubtless “leave it the frak alone,” but I wonder nonetheless.

Some current examples:

Apollo 8 Heat Shield Segment from the Command Module

Vintage NASA Apollo X heat Shield Lucita 1969

Vintage NASA Apollo 8 Heat Shield Segment from the Command Module 1968

Apollo 7 Piece of Heat Shield from the Command Module

Apollo 9 Flown Ablator Piece in Lucite


 Posted by at 6:45 pm