Aug 012022

28 women file suit over ‘night of terror’ in Indiana jail, alleging incarcerated men bribed jail officer for keys​. Two women say they were raped

Short form: nearly 30 women in this jail claim that male prisoners bribed a guard to give them keys that gave them access to the womens part of the prison, and spent *hours* assaulting and raping all the women they could.

If this is true: the guard, who was fired and will stand trial in November, needs to become a permanent guest of the state. The male prisoners who were involved with this… we don’t need them, nor their contribution to the carbon footprint. Other prison guards seem to have been aware of what was going on and did nothing. They also need to be given the opportunity of spending a few years looking through those same bars but from the other side.

What the frak is wrong with people?

 Posted by at 11:28 pm