Jul 292022

In this case, a Stupidity Transmitted Disease.

First, a news video:

The guy with the pox here is said have likely gotten it from going to a bar and “kissing another person.” That’s… a little vague. Fortunately, he’s one of those attention-seekers who goes out looking for clout and ends up being a cautionary tale. Behold:

Gay Houston Man Battling Monkeypox Raises Awareness

“I knew what it was, I knew I was at risk,” he says. “I tried to get the vaccine, but I couldn’t. I thought I was being careful. Clearly, I wasn’t being vigilant enough.” 

Over the July Fourth weekend he went to several bars and, while he was shirtless, hugged and kissed a few men. The following weekend, he started seeing little white bumps under his chin. 

That’s… that’s just *stupid.* But wait! There’s more!

Wallace is going on a month of prescribed quarantine, but he thinks his lesions will be healed in a week and he will at least be able to leave his house again.


So, yeah. Another case of someone going out and actually *working* at catching the latest fashionable disease, then acting shocked. And if it stayed strictly within people who have no sense of self control – men, women, gay, straight, whatever – then… who cares, that’s on them. But these yahoos could well come into contact with, say, children. And children come into contact with *other* children. And viruses mutate, and the more people who have a virus, the more opportunities for mutation.

People this frikken’ dumb could doom us all.

 Posted by at 8:54 pm