Jul 272022

Looks like Sylvester Stallone finally has himself a superhero movie:

Sure, he was in “Judge Dredd” and “GotG2,” but he wasn’t superpowered in either of those. I don’t recall him having been a superhero before, though I could be wrong.

I suspect the superhero genre is going to run out of steam soon enough…it’s been done to death. Marvel has recent;y announced their spate of new TV/Movie projects, and they are a whole lot of “who the hell is that, and why should I care” characters.

Marvel also recently released the trailer for “Black Panther 2.” I was unimpressed with the first one… the effects were dodgy, the story meh, the worldbuilding bizarre. We were supposed to root for a fascistic ethnostate that was essentially a high-lech primitive civilization… they select their rulers *only* from a single family, and then using trial by combat. They have antigravity and practical energy weapons… and they charge into combat atop rhinos bearing swords and spears. One thing I would like to see from the sequel – and suspect I won’t – is the actual geopolitical fallout from the effects of the first: at the end of the movie, a sci-fi-advanced hidden civilization in central Africa is revealed to the world. They’ve been hidden for centuries behind a cloaking device and holographic projectors; now that’s over. Great, fine, wonderful. But, ummm… right now, hundreds of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans are flooding into Europe annually in the hopes of grabbing themselves a better life. What do the borders of Wakanda look like? Now, a few hundred million poverty-stricken Africans can simply *walk* to a higher-tech better life. Did Wakanda open the doors, and now their original population is a distinct minority in their own land, buried under a crush of migrants? Or did they erect walls? Did the walls/deflector shields/whatever effectively prevent invasion, or are there long rows of corpses along the border, shot down as they tried to climb in?


 Posted by at 12:05 pm