Jul 242022

I don’t remember this sort of impromptu street theater when I was last at Disney World in the late 1970’s. I have to admit to not being a slavish follower of Disney films; I haven’t seen “The Little Mermaid” or “Frozen” or a bunch of others, so I can’t place what movie this scene is replicating.


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I’m not a fan of “theme parks.” My memories of them are filled with heat and humidity and waiting in really long lines in the burning sun. So I have to wonder: how far would Disney have to jack up their prices before attendance dropped in half? If the ticket prices were twice as high and you got half as many people, the economics for Disney – at least on the tickets, not so much on concessions and toys and junk – would work, and the attendees would be much happier. If it was three times as high? It would be a no-brainer for Disney. Maybe do one day a week as a special “low density day” to test the waters. How expensive would the tickets have to be to drop attendance by 90%?

 Posted by at 5:41 pm