Jul 242022

Something that happens a lot: violent criminality. And virtually every violent criminal has family. Most of the time, the parents or siblings of criminals are not considered in the aftermath of the crime; someone gets mugged, the press doesn’t hound the muggers dad, largely because a mugging just isn’t that newsworthy. But if the violent crime *is* newsworthy, the family often does get mentioned by the press. usually the family will wisely keep their yaps shut when Lil Johnny does something shameful, but on occasion them get set upon by the press, or they actually *seek* the press. And when they do, often enough they do so to *excuse* or *deny* the criminality.


But on occasion, the press talks to the family of a violent criminal, and the family has a reasonable response:

Indiana mall gunman’s family say they are ‘unable to offer any explanation’ for his actions

This family raised a kid who decided to try to shoot up a shopping mall and got his dumb ass aerated inside of fifteen seconds by a far better man. And what do they have to say about it?

“We are cooperating completely with law enforcement in efforts to provide insight into not only Jonathan’s actions, but also in the chance anything we may add could aid in preventing similar events.” 


“There are no feelings of hostility toward Mr. Dicken in doing what was right given the circumstances,” Sapirman’s family said.

Which are the correct responses. Your kid went nuts: maybe he was always nuts. Maybe he snapped right there at the end. Maybe you should have seen it coming long before, maybe not. But it can’t be denied: he deserved to be riddled with holes.

 Posted by at 10:01 am