Jul 072022

The planetary geopolitical situation seems to be sliding towards that “hell in a handbasket” phase. If things get really bad, international commerce could grind to a halt. Economically that is of course bad… but if you are in a place that imports a lot of your food, or imports the fertilizer and tools and fuel and whatnot you need to grow your food, things could get *really* bad. This sort of thing has happened before, of course. The usual result was regional famine. But now… thanks to modern agriculture and transport, there are vast numbers of people living where food will suddenly vanish. This, one would immediately think, would lead to *astonishing* local famines. But now, as well as having far more people we have far more transport systems. So those starving millions, or indeed billions, will try to leave for greener pastures. But in a planetary collapse situation, greener pastures won’t be able to support all that many people. Having millions of starving migrants swarming your borders means not only less food for your own people, it’ll mean less food *in* *total,* as the refugees, if they come in large enough numbers, will set upon the fields like locusts, and not only consume what’s there, they’ll trash the ability to grow more.

The obvious answer: walls, guns and a bit of a policy shift where it comes to open doors.


EDIT: Hmmm. Weirdly, the video was privated. Oh well….

According to this, Britain (and a fair chunk of the rest of Europe) is kinda up the creek. Right now they are insanely allowing a million “migrants” a year to come in, set up shop and start drawing off the dole and demanding yet more. If things go bad, it would behoove the Brits to not only stop immigration, but to encourage – as aggressively and energetically as necessary – that a few million recent immigrants explore career opportunities in other lands. other lands that won’t have them either.

And then… the Chinese will probably slap together biological warfare systems: insects, bacteria, virus, whatever, that trashes all the rice that doesn’t have a particular gene sequence that Chinese rice just happens to have. It would probably be a really good idea for the CIA and every other intelligence service on the planet to sneak out a lot of samples of Chinese rice and Russian wheat and keep a constant surveillance on any sudden change in their DNA.

 Posted by at 9:21 pm