Jun 242022

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in landmark abortion decision

This will be an *endless* source of entertainment. Stand by for craziness from the whackjobs PO’ed that they might have more difficulty in killing unborn children.

Gonna be a lot of this:


And on the subject of abortion: last nights episode of “The Orville” briefly touched on it. Our Hero Captain Mercer goes to the Krill homeworld on a diplomatic mission. You know going in that this is going to turn out poorly; the Krill have been central casting stock sci-fi badguys from the get-go, driven by a whackadoodle religious ideology. You can tell it’s going to get worse, because an Orange Man Bad stand-in is shown early on gaining political power among the Krill. And, inevitably, the Krill government is taken over by Even Worse Krill, and the diplomatic mission goes straight to hell. Mercer is taken somewhere to witness the evils of Krill civilization: he is taken to see what happens to Krill citizens who abort their unborn children. The leadup makes it pretty clear that the parents of the aborted are going to be badly treated; and when it’s shown, Captain Mercer recoils in visible and audible shock and horror. So, what do the Krill do to the no-longer parents? Do they feed them to monsters? Dissolve them in acid? Set them on fire? Flay the flesh from their bones? No. They put them into a holodeck and project an image of the child that would have been, based on the DNA. The child interacts with them, saying something along the lines of “I would like to have been born.” THAT’S IT. We’re supposed to view that as a monstrous evil.

Yes, I know “The Orville” is written by lefties, because lefties own Hollywood. But really? You kill your unborn child, and you think the greater evil is someone showing you what that child might have become? Shoot, if we had that technology today, I’d recommend it for all abortion *and* pregnancy clinics. Imagine the smarter choices people could make if they could see what sort of child – good, bad, evil or indifferent – they could get.

 Posted by at 12:29 pm