Jun 232022

Here’s the proof a NYC high school diploma is worthless

“‘The Three Little Pigs’ story was read round-robin style in a grade 11 classroom, which demonstrated limited student access in this class to grade-level text,” according to the department’s Office of Accountability. … At Brooklyn’s Boys and Girls High School, more than one-third of all classes were being disrupted by students’ chatter …

Sure, society needs people who are no more skilled than required to dig a ditch. But the problem is, these kids are doubtless also being taught that they are special snowflakes and that anything less than a lavish lifestyle of hookers and blow is a sign that The Other People are oppressing them. So these “students” will not only leave school utterly incapable of performing any but the most basic tasks… they’ll be unwilling to do them. One might wonder why this sort of thing would be promoted. Well… one might wonder that if one had not been paying attention. Why would this sort of thing be promoted?

1) These kids will be useless, sure. But they’ll still be allowed to vote. And who will they probably vote for? The people promising to make their lives easier without effort on their part.

2) They will consume resources without contributing. Thus they will be a net drain, requiring someone to fill in for them. And who better to fill in for them but similarly low-skill, but less offended foreign workers of dubious legality? And who will they and their offspring and their enablers probably vote for? Why, most likely those politicians who promise to not deport them.

Maybe Congress should spare a moment from the January 6 show trials to look into the matter of politicians whoa re *really* working to damage the United States. It might be worth seeing who’s getting paid or influenced by, say, the ChiComs. The Rosenbergs sizzled for doing less damage to the US.

 Posted by at 7:24 pm