Jun 212022

A Napierville (near Chicago) police officer has pulled over a car for running a stop sign and is talking with the driver when *another* car pulls up and the driver of that car launches himself towards the cop, wielding a hatchet. The cop puts him down *real* fast.

The big question is WTF was Edward Samaan, the weirdo in this tale, thinking.


The full dashcam, no meaningful audio:

The full bodycam footage:


Bet that civilian driver had one *hell* of a story for his friends and family later that day. I kinda hope he got let off with a warning; the interaction between the driver and the cop was seeming to be cordial and respectful. He blew a stop sign, which ain’t good… but I think watching a maniac get put down might be considered adequate.

One thing I’ll never understand is on display here. The Bad Guy gets shot multiple times in the torso/abdomen. He is *down.* It’s unclear whether he’s conscious; it’s quite clear that he is very, very incapacitated. And yet the cops that gather around keep shouting commands at him to roll over onto his stomach. Dude… he ain’t doin’ nothin’ nohow. He’s *done.*

 Posted by at 12:45 pm