Jun 102022

The animation is somewhat primitive and the driving characteristics of the “car” seem dubious, but this video demonstrates the rather awe-inspiring scale of an “Island 4” O’Neill space colony. A lot more of the interior of this hab seems to be dull city that seems likely, but it’s still instructive.


I imagine that a fully immersive and explorable Island 4 simulation would be an addictive sort of place. Imagine if it was designed correctly… two such cylinders side-by-side with connecting bridged at each end, each surrounded by a circle of independent “agricultural” mini-habs. If you were able to walk, drive and fly within the habs – with forces correct due to rotation – and if the city areas were fully fleshed out… it would be deeper time-sink than Doom ever was. Especially if there were variants where the habs were used as first person shooter games and the like.

Perhaps games/simulations that allow you to build such habs, based on real world economics and materials. Asteroid  mining, lunar mass drivers, etc. all married to the ability to design the interior of you had to your specifications. Woo.

 Posted by at 12:25 am