May 102022

A video taken by Ukrainian forces after taking a formerly Russian-held position, showing a good reason why the Russian military seems so incompetent: instead of loading their positions with militarily useful equipment, they burdened themselves with loot. And not even *good* loot… not gold and diamonds and Lugers and such, but washing machines. The fact that these soldiers think hauling pilfered home appliances – and big ones – around an entire *war* makes any kind of sense says a lot about how things are back home in Russia. In a country where the Dear Leader has himself yachts the size of warships that cost as much as space programs, apparently the average schmoe doesn’t have the sort of mundane normal stuff that people in the west take for granted. So they’re stealing it from Ukraine.

Seems the Russian soldiers are pointing their guns in the wrong direction.


 Posted by at 4:25 pm