May 052022

There are people who suck just about everywhere. And these people seem to love to exercise their vileness on cats… most likely because cats are not only weak and vulnerable compared to humans, they also have distinct personalities, and probably most importantly because they are loved by other humans. This means that harming the cat also harms some humans. Often, *many* humans. Somebody is getting off on this. Somebody who should be found, tried, convicted and then shoved through the nearest convenient stargate.

The news story (which took place distressing close to where I live) is beyond the “Continue Reading,” because even the headline might be a bit disturbing for those who don’t want to read about such things. Included within the body of the linked news article is a news story from a dozen years ago that set me off watching it.

There is a GoFundMe that has been set up to raise funds for a reward to find whoever’s responsible. Hopefully local security cameras caught something.

This is one of the reasons why my cats are indoor cats. The world is dangerous enough for cats without throwing in actual monsters.

Family cat found skinned, gutted in Rock Island


 Posted by at 11:39 am