Apr 202022

The “Galactic Starcruiser” at Disneyworld pretends to be a Star Wars themed “cruise” that runs several thousand dollars for two days and nights of… “fun,” I guess? Honestly it looks kinda halfassed, and it doesn’t really look so much “Star Wars” as “Generic Space Conflict.” YouTube is replete with videos talking smack about it; no need to rehash them. So the video below seems to be a *positive* review of one particular area of the attraction. It’s… huh. Disney is certainly not only skilled at the art of resource extraction, but bound and determined to do it. I’m all for capitalism, but this seems a little… I dunno, desperate.

Given Disney’s recent determination to come out in support of child-grooming, my chances of splurging on a trip to Disneyworld have plummeted from zero to some arbitrary negative number.

 Posted by at 1:36 am