Apr 192022

Here’s an odd thing currently on ebay:

Vintage Boeing SST Presentation Wall Art, Copper Sheet formed for 3D perspective

It’s a piece of Boeing 2707-100 supersonic transport concept art, a painting I’ve seen before. But the difference is that it’s painted on an embossed sheet of copper. I recall this sort of thing being popular-ish back in the 70’s, having done myself as a child back then. I don’t know if this is in any way an official Boeing rendering, or some unofficial piece of “folk art,” but it looks reasonably good.

Note: I looked up the artist, “C.E. Pearson.” Turns out this person seemed to do a *lot* of “copper art,” including a bunch of – wait for it – clowns (this was from before Pennywise and John Wayne Gacy nuked the idea of clowns as being anything but creepy). Gah. My guess is it’s not official.

It’s not something I’m going after. Have at it.

 Posted by at 12:23 am