Apr 122022

April 4, 2011, I posted a link to the YouTube video of Orbital’s “The Box” originally from 1996. Through random chance, today (April 12, 2022) I stumbled across another copy of the video, this one at twice the resolution, posted onto YouTube almost exactly one year ago (April 15, 2021). Huh. Well, the commentary I posted way back when still applies: this is an interesting video that shows an unsettling Tilda Swinton moving through a city at a *really* slow pace. The effect being “alienation” or some such.

I first saw this at a weird time in my life, back when MTV still tried to be about music, and it drilled itself directly into my brain where it’s sat ever since. If you haven’t seen it, give it a watch.

 Posted by at 1:20 am