Apr 112022

Checking out the “science” section on Google News brings up this headline:

*Science,* people. This is what “decolonized” science, stripped of “white supremacy” and “patriarchy” looks like: friggen’ horoscopes.

If you’re interested in astrology, you’re likely more than familiar with your Sun sign, which directly relates to your personality. Maybe your ‘scope-obsessed self is also well-versed in your Moon sign, which aligns with your emotions and moods.

Your Venus sign is something different altogether, although for most people, it can be the same sign as their Sun sign, or one of its neighboring signs, says Alice Alta, resident astrologer for the Futurio app. And as with any planetary sign, this one is determined by where Venus was in the sky at the time of your birth. To find your Venus sign, all you need is your birth date, time, and location to create your natal chart via an astrology app or website like CafeAstrology.com, explains Alta.

What is my Venus sign, and how does it impact me?

“Venus is the planet of love, beauty, harmony, money, material values,” she notes. So, Venus in the natal chart is responsible for the development of your sense of style and taste, determining your preferences in everything from clothes to romantic partners.

At its core, Venus is huge in helping to understand your personality and how you express yourself. It impacts how you show your desires, passions, and what’s important to you. It can also determine how you interact with others and the energy you give off in those interactions.

Oh my ᚠᚪᛣᚳᛁᚾᚷ Gawd.

 Posted by at 3:49 pm