Apr 032022

Cool, but bad news for trustworthy news audio in the future. A commercially available bit of software will change your voice on the fly to closely resemble any voice from an extensive list of voice actors. These actors were hired specifically for this purpose, and apparently put in two or three hours of jibbajabba to collect sufficient information on their voice and accent and such. Which means that if you have enough recordings of some other person, you can copy their voice as well. Of course it might be difficult to get enough of the *right* stuff in adequate quality, especially if the “target” doesn’t regularly plop their face in front of a microphone. But actors should probably be copyable, as should politicians and other celebrities.

So about the Time Amazon decides to reboot Fellowship of the Ring, they can have Humphrey Bogart as Frodo and John Wayne as Aragorn.

 Posted by at 4:54 pm