Dec 182009

I’ve noticed that Stinky always wants to be friends with whatever cats are around, even when they don’t want to be friends with him. It’s a very common sight to see him walking along side-by-side with another cat, wrapping his tail around theirs. It may well be that it’s actually not what it seems to be in human terms – after all, he’s a cat, not a human – but it sure does look like affection.

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 Posted by at 7:44 pm

  3 Responses to “Stinky the friendly cat”

  1. Two of ours do that, we see them together a lot, and when they are on the porch they walk side by side with their tails together. No idea why!

  2. Super cute, especially considering how regal he looked in the “snow photos”. BTW, why the pejorative name?

  3. > BTW, why the pejorative name?

    Early on, when Stinky and his late, lamented brother Spot were thick as thieves and often hanging out in my basement, Stinky earned his name by eating something that interacted negatively with his digestive system, producing the most phenomenal cat farts. While that seems to have rectified itself, he assured that he’d keep his name by rolling around in the pasture out back… you know, the one occupied and crapped on by horses.

    He’s a pretty clean critter, but it doesn’t take much to earn a nickname that lasts.

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