Mar 102022

After the last post where it was mentioned that Russia is effectively stealing hundreds of airliners that Russian airlines ahd leased, here comess this “never do business with Russia again” story:

Putin may re-open McDonald’s in Russia by lifting trademark restrictions: report

Reportedly, Russia will not only re-open places like McDonalds, they will continue to do business *as* “McDonalds.” They will have no actual relationship with the actual McDonalds corporation; they’ll simply steal their locations, their stuff, their name, their logo, their brand.

Next: I presume Russian agents in the west will procure computer games and movies, transport them to Russia, and then sell/show them to Russian audiences. And why not? Books, music, movies, TV series; car, computer, fashion, architectural designs can all be stolen and used without compensation under the new rules Putins stooges are putting forward. This will make Russia a *monumental* pariah nation. The Chinese at least *pretend* to actually care about IP.

 Posted by at 1:52 pm