Mar 082022

Florida teacher hospitalized after attack by 5-year-old needs surgery; union says it’s child’s 3rd attack

This is apparently not just the 3rd time this five year old has attacked his teacher, it’s the third time she has required hospitalization as a result. One wonders why he was given an opportunity for the *second* attack. Seems like the lil’ dickens needs to be institutionalized. Or just yeeted across the border, dunno. Given the violence involved, I *really* want to get a look at this kid; one doesn’t normally expect a five year old to be capable of causing grievous bodily harm to an adult. This was a “special needs” class, so it might one of those cases where an intellectual defect was offset with a whole lot of physical strength. If he’s such a danger at five, I shudder to imagine what he’ll be like as an adult member of Antifa.



 Posted by at 10:45 pm